Thursday, June 9, 2011

Timberland Earthkeeper

Have thou ever wonder what have you contribute to the things around thou and the environment surround?

Something as simple as recycling and electricity wisely or perhaps community service … have thou ever done that …

Think of it as how long have you live so far and what will thou contribute for the next generation …

Lemme introduce you to Timberland Earthkeeper. It is a program created by Timberland. “Earth” means the place we live in and “keeper” means guardian. When thou put the two words together, it represents someone who is concerned about environmental issues and willing to take action to protect our Earth, like the minor act of cycling instead of driving and using energy efficient bulbs, to bigger things like replanting eroded areas and using renewable energy to reduce the burden on our environment.

It is what Earthkeepers do. Its goal is to share this ideology with future Earthkeepers and move forward.

Located in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of Tongliao, Horqin Desert was once named Horqin Pasture for its fertile soil and flourishing grasslands. Today, overgrazing of the land and excessive deforestation by Man has led to desertification which has changed the once lush and green Horqin Pasture into Horqin Desert. Desertification of Horqin has also resulted in sand and soil made loose by the lack of roots and this creates sandstorms when carried by strong wind across regions like Japan and China. With the Horqin Desert expanding at a rate of 10,000 sq km per year, this is undeniably an issue that requires urgent ecological attention.

In 2001, Timberland started on one of its community service projects to support greening activities in China’s Horqin Desert that is situated in Inner Mongolia, through Japan based non-profit organization, GreenNet. Since 2001, groups of volunteers together with GreenNet, a Japanese environmental non-governmental organization (NGO), have been visiting Horqin annually to develop irrigation, plant and protect trees, and educate the locals on sustainable farming practices. On Earth Day in 2010, Timberland's CEO and President Jeff Swartz led the Earthkeeper™ team to plant the one millionth and one-millionth-and-one trees. The Horqin Desert Reforestation Project 2010 was organized for participants to experience greening activities and provided first-time Earthkeepers opportunities to gain firsthand cross-cultural insights into the desertification crisis and global environmental issues.

It is rather an interesting program. Mel is pretty much interested to join the program and contributing something to the society. Life is not just about enjoying the life itself but also give something back to the community. Though this program, Mel believes that she can contribute more than what she normally do (e.g. recycling, use electricity and water efficiently, etc). Mel could get involved in the Desert Greening project and at the same time do community works for the locals in Horqin.

Personally, Mel thinks that planting trees for the desert reforestation project is just another part of the project. Helping the community around the area is also as important as it. Educating the local about the importance of taking care of their once-lush-and-green Horqin Pasture is also important.

Helping the environment and also the community will also help ones to appreciate life even more. Things are not always what we wanted it to be, therefore, we should have to be more sensible about things going on around us. By doing so, thou help yourself a favor that will thou feel happier and blessed even more.

Remember one thing, always start a baby step … recycling, recycling and recycling -> always bring your own carrier -> turn off the electricity power (once you’re done using it) … From there, thou could start something more and perhaps …

Be a Timberland Earthkeeper and support desert greening in Horqin!

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